Sambucus nigra caerulea
Sambucus nigra caerulea
Chumash: qayas Español: Sauco
Chumash: qayas Español: Sauco

est. 2005

Once Upon a Watershed
is a program of the CREW
Telling the Story of Our Watershed Through Exploration, Education, and Stewardship
Malacothamnus fasciculatus
Chumash: xman (BOI) Español: Malva

Plant Description
Category: Shrub
Origin: Chaparral and Coastal Sage Scrub, often on dry slopes and/or disturbed soil
Evergreen: Drought-deciduous
Flower Color: Pink
Bloomtime: Summer
Height: 4ft
Width: 4ft
Esposure: Full to Part sun
Drought Tolerant: Yes
Irrigation: Moderate

The plant is native to California and northern Baja California, where it is a common member of the chaparral and coastal sage scrub plant communities. Other members of the Mallow family include hibiscus, okra, hollyhock, cotton, and a plant named Althaea officinalis, whose roots used to be used to make marshmallows, now they are made from other substances. The chaparral Mallow becomes established in dense groups after fire. It is not exclusively tied to fire, but is known for colonizing after any kind of disturbance. It is relatively short-lived, living for 1 to 2 years only. Although not highly sought after, the leaves and seedpods are edible.