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Baccharis pilularis

Español: Rama China

Plant Description

Category: Shrub

Origin: Hillsides, canyons and not far from coastal areas, coastal scrubs and chaparrals

Evergreen: Yes

Flower Color: White bristles

Bloomtime: August to December

Height: 2-10ft

Esposure: Full sun

Drought Tolerant: Yes

Irrigation: Low water needs

Alternate Names: Chaparral broom, Coyote Bush

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A pioneer plant in communities such as coastal sage scrub and chaparral. Coyote Brush makes an excellent nurse plant for young oak trees, offering shade and protection. When the native vegetation is removed from an area by bulldozer, or tilling, or grazing, or fire, and trampling animals, one of the first native plants that returns to the area is the Coyote Brush. The Baccharis species are the nectar sources for most of the predatory wasps, native skippers (small butterflies) and native flies in most areas. You will see the weirdest bugs on the these plants.

The leaves are fire-retardant, meaning that they have a chemical makeup that reduces their ability to catch on fire. Coast Miwok Native Americans historically used the heated leaves to reduce swelling, and some Native American used the wood from this bush to make arrow shafts and for building houses. 

For Additional Information About this Plant

Key to Native Plant Symbols 

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