Sambucus nigra caerulea
Sambucus nigra caerulea
Chumash: qayas Español: Sauco
Chumash: qayas Español: Sauco

est. 2005

Once Upon a Watershed
is a program of the CREW
Telling the Story of Our Watershed Through Exploration, Education, and Stewardship
Monardella villosa
Chumash: qayas Español: Sauco

Plant Description
Category: shrub
Origin: Coastal scrub communities, rocky slopes in California
Evergreen: yes
Height: 1 foot
Flower color: pinkish to reddish purple
Bloomtime: summer
Exposure: Sun or Shade
Habitat: Chaparral
Drought Tolerant: yes
Irrigation: low water needs

Coyote Mint is a perennial herb that forms a small bush or matted tangle of hairy mint-scented leaves. The fragrance is one of the best features of this plant. It grows in chaparral, coastal sage scrub, and various forest/woodland habitats.
Coyote mint is a good source of both pollen and nectar for native bees and bumblebees. It is also a nectar source for hummingbirds and butterflies. Butterflies seen on coyote mint include monarch, chalcedon checkerspot, ruddy copper, rural skipper, pale swallowtail and Western tiger swallowtail.
This plant is used by the Indigenous peoples of California as a remedy for stomach upset, respiratory conditions, and sore throat. It may also be steeped into a bitter mint tea. It smells like a minty toothpaste.