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Rhus integrifolia

Chumash: štoyho'os Español: Mangle Menor

Plant Description

Category: Shrub

Origin: Coastal sage scrub and chaparral on dry, mostly open-facing slopes from Santa Barbara county to Baja

Evergreen: Yes

Flower Color: Light Pink

Bloomtime: Spring

Height: 6-10 feet

Width: 10-15 feet

Exposure: Sun or Shade

Seaside: Yes

Drought Tolerant: Yes

Irrigation (H2O Info): Low Water Needs

Winter Hardiness: 15-20° F


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An oil can be extracted from Lemonade Berry seeds; and has a tallow-like consistency when left to stand. Thereafter the oil can be used to make candles, which burn brightly but emits a pungent scent. Fruits of the Lemonade Berry were used by Indians to make a refreshing drink that resembles pink lemonade. “Rhus juice,” an approximation of the Indian beverage, can be made by adding found, dried berries to water and sweetening it with honey.

The pulp of Lemonade Berry fruits makes a pleasant snack. The oil from the seeds can be used to make candles. Some people may discover an allergic reaction to the sap of this plant and those with a known cashew allergy would be wise not to eat the fruit in any form as the genus Rhus is in the Anacardieaceae - the sumac or cashew family. The fruit is a food source for many species of birds.

For Additional Information About this Plant

Key to Native Plant Symbols 

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